MWDN stories, insightful analysis of IT market, tips on remote development and efficient software outsourcing

How to find a seasoned software development engineer for your project

As businesses across the world seek to stay competitive in an ever-changing technological landscape, finding the right software development engineer for a project has become a top priority for many businesses. However, a shortage of skilled human resources and a fiercely competitive job market makes the search for good talent a daunting task. In this...

What you should know before hiring a dedicated team from Ukraine in 2023

The year 2022 started with astonishing volumes of IT services exported by Ukrainian software development companies. However, the success wasn’t exponential due to the full-scale Russian invasion in late February’22. Because of the war, almost all spheres of the Ukrainian economy suffered dramatically and stopped bringing profit to the state budget. Ukrainian IT service export...
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Ukrainian IT 12 months into the full-scale invasion – Why should you still consider the Ukrainian software development market?

Whatever happens to the world, business is still business with all its rules. One of the main business laws is that customers will not work with vendors if this cooperation is not profitable. Fortunately, customers of Ukrainian IT service companies don’t have to choose between what is moral and what brings money. Thanks to the...

Global Software Development With MWDN

By the end of 2022, the pros and cons of global software development and remote work, in general, seem very relevant and spur ongoing debate in many organizations — MWDN is no exception. Just like any other firm, back in 2020, we remember ourselves mostly unprepared to embrace the rapid transition to digital communication and...

Why you should opt for Ruby on Rails in 2022?

Ruby on Rails is considered one of the easiest frameworks to learn and one of the fastest technologies to work with. Even though it is quite “mature,” RoR is an extremely dynamic technology that constantly evolves. Contents: Fast facts about Ruby on Rails Is Ruby on Rails still popular? Pros and cons of Ruby on...

Ukrainian tech talent market during the war: Pitfalls of finding a job in a new reality

A strong economy is one of the assets that will help us win this war and rebuild our cities faster after the victory. Ukraine still needs your skills and experience, even if you’re not a military man or woman. IT services export can help keep our economy going: The money you earn and the taxes...