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Different types of outsourcing: Which one to choose?

See updated information in Outsourcing services 2021. Content:  What is outsourcing? Why do you need it? Types of IT outsourcing  Outsourcing vs outstaffing How to find the best IT vendor? Outsourcing services have become a source of expertise inevitable for growing a business — especially if you’re starting from scratch. Whether you have limited in-house...
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10 Reasons You Should Choose Outsourcing Companies in Ukraine

Nowadays, the world of software development is progressing at a rapid rate, startups are changing the world and plenty of great ideas still need to be brought into life. However, hiring your own team of developers, training and managing them is a hard task that takes a lot of time and it especially does not...

[Infographic] Outsourcing to Ukraine: Is It a Wise Choice?

It is obvious, that the choice of the geographical location of outsourcing partners is an important task, and it depends on many factors. There are lots of countries offering such services — and, in any case, a company that is looking for partners, come to Ukraine as a possible choice. In our article, we will...