
160+ developers
Developers with BS or MS equivalent in Computer Science
Seniority level
Most part of the team has senior level of developers and other specialists
MWDN is an international software development company in over 10 countries, covering the main time zones worldwide. Founded in 2002 by highly skilled project managers, MWDN has developed a significant number of successful products concerning complex technical platforms in the past two decades. MWDN is also very proud of cooperation with some of the most successful international startups and a great experience in web and mobile software development.

Our main asset and the secret behind our success is our staff. Following the Code of Conduct, we embrace diversity, value equity, and do all we can to guarantee inclusion for all our employees.
2-4 weeks hiring time
Interviews with our recruiters and team leads to evaluate both soft and hard skills
Two development centres in Ukraine located in Kharkiv and Kiev
Here at MWDN we direct our expertise to facilitate new product development for different types of software vendors, expand their product lines, all with our own cost- and time-effective approach. We are glad to develop new solutions for your products and bring them to live. So, whether you represent an established company, a startup or you are an independent consultant – share your ideas with us: we would be happy to help you build them! We are the team of choice when things are to be done right.
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Is this because of luck? That is even more remote. It takes good business sense and a lot of help and team effort.
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