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What you should know before hiring a dedicated team from Ukraine in 2023

The year 2022 started with astonishing volumes of IT services exported by Ukrainian software development companies. However, the success wasn’t exponential due to the full-scale Russian invasion in late February’22. Because of the war, almost all spheres of the Ukrainian economy suffered dramatically and stopped bringing profit to the state budget. Ukrainian IT service export...

Ukrainian IT 12 months into the full-scale invasion – Why should you still consider the Ukrainian software development market?

Whatever happens to the world, business is still business with all its rules. One of the main business laws is that customers will not work with vendors if this cooperation is not profitable. Fortunately, customers of Ukrainian IT service companies don’t have to choose between what is moral and what brings money. Thanks to the...
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November 2022 massive layoffs: Their causes, effects on the industry, and the solutions of tech giants

The most massive layoffs in the IT industry for the last decade started with Elon Mask’s arrangement to halve Twitter staff at the beginning of November 2022. Unfortunately, this decision wasn’t a hasty urge of the excentric businessmen as some believed it to be. The following cutbacks rolled by the California coast as well as...