MWDN stories, insightful analysis of IT market, tips on remote development and efficient software outsourcing

IT services to be outsourced in 2024

IT services to be outsourced in 2024
The once-static realm of IT outsourcing is undergoing a metamorphosis. In 2024, businesses are no longer simply offloading tasks; they’re strategically partnering with external experts to unlock a new level of efficiency and innovation. This shift is driven by the ever-growing complexity of technology and the emergence of powerful new tools like artificial intelligence.  Content: ...
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Code green: Building a climate-neutral economy with software

green coding with MWDN
Software development isn’t just about flashy apps and social media platforms. It’s increasingly becoming a vital tool in the fight against climate change and the journey towards a climate-neutral economy. From optimizing electric vehicles to harnessing the power of quantum computers for sustainable agriculture, software is shaping a greener future. Content: How can software development...

Modern software development methods to follow in 2023

Software development is like a puzzle, and methodologies are the pieces that help fit it all together. These methods shape projects’ formation, deciding whether it’s a smooth or bumpy ride. From Agile’s quick steps to Waterfall’s steady progression, each way adds a unique flavor. Today we decided to dive into the world of software development...

How to Build Future-Ready Medical Facility with Healthcare IT Outsourcing

Today, digital innovation is crucial for future-ready medical facilities to provide adequate services to patients and IT outsourcing is a proven means to achieve that. We observe how many industries around us rapidly change and introduce innovation to their daily processes. In this regard, healthcare seems to lag behind others: 99% of organizations in the...

Is Outsourcing IT Support Right for Your Business?

The Spring-Summer’22 has demonstrated that if a group of technically skilled people wants to break into the company’s network, it will most likely do so. This was the beginning of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, and the so-called Anonymous group of hackers started chasing Russian governmental, military, and business entities to disclose the most sensitive...