MWDN stories, insightful analysis of IT market, tips on remote development and efficient software outsourcing

Ukrainian IT 12 months into the full-scale invasion – Why should you still consider the Ukrainian software development market?

Whatever happens to the world, business is still business with all its rules. One of the main business laws is that customers will not work with vendors if this cooperation is not profitable. Fortunately, customers of Ukrainian IT service companies don’t have to choose between what is moral and what brings money. Thanks to the...

[Infographic] Outsourcing to Ukraine: Is It a Wise Choice?

It is obvious, that the choice of the geographical location of outsourcing partners is an important task, and it depends on many factors. There are lots of countries offering such services — and, in any case, a company that is looking for partners, come to Ukraine as a possible choice. In our article, we will...
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