MWDN stories, insightful analysis of IT market, tips on remote development and efficient software outsourcing

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Why would a skilled developer fail to get a job offer from a Fortune 500 company?

According to the IT labor market, giant tech companies, including those listed in a FAANG abbreviation, will double the salary a medium-sized company offers their developers. For example, an experienced US-based developer who works in a small-to-medium company will get, on average, 160 to 200K US dollars per year. Meanwhile, someone with the same background,...

Mariia Latenko | MWDN Software Testing Engineer

Many of our colleagues say MWDN is like a family to them. However, for our today’s guest, our company did really officially become a true family. Read on to find out how Mariia Latenko combines a mom role and a full-time software testing engineer position, what her thoughts on maternity leaves are, and what superpower...

Nazar Taran | Ruby on Rails Developer at MWDN

We continue to introduce our large MWDN family. Today we want to tell you more about Nazar Taran, a Ruby on Rails developer with over eight years of experience who have three cats and an honor degree in Psychology. According to his colleagues and clients, he is one of the kindest, most diligent, and most...