MWDN stories, insightful analysis of IT market, tips on remote development and efficient software outsourcing

What you should know before hiring a dedicated team from Ukraine in 2023

The year 2022 started with astonishing volumes of IT services exported by Ukrainian software development companies. However, the success wasn’t exponential due to the full-scale Russian invasion in late February’22. Because of the war, almost all spheres of the Ukrainian economy suffered dramatically and stopped bringing profit to the state budget. Ukrainian IT service export...

[Infographic] Outsourcing to Ukraine: Is It a Wise Choice?

It is obvious, that the choice of the geographical location of outsourcing partners is an important task, and it depends on many factors. There are lots of countries offering such services — and, in any case, a company that is looking for partners, come to Ukraine as a possible choice. In our article, we will...
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