MWDN stories, insightful analysis of IT market, tips on remote development and efficient software outsourcing

Non-conventional specialists, your tech startup needs in 2024

Non-tech specialists 2024
Almost 80% of our clients come to us for strictly technical IT specialists like software developers and QA engineers. As a rule, these specialists have tech tasks to do, and their efficient work rarely includes constant synchronized communication with their teammates.  Why don’t they hire the rest of their teams via staff augmentation? Some businesses...

Hospital management automation in 2024 and beyond | MWDN OUTSTAFFING IT SERVICES

Hospital software automation
Why automation in hospital management is so important in 2024? First of all, the projected life expectancy is 73,7 years in 2024, although it was only 64 in 1990. The population is getting older. In a decade, there will be more people needing medical support and fewer working-age employees to provide it. Hospital software can...
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Everything you need to know about cloud migration in 2024: Cost breakdowns, benefits, threats, and migration strategies

Cloud migration in 2024
Cloud migration is the process of moving your data, applications, and IT infrastructure from on-premises data centers to a cloud computing environment. It’s a significant undertaking that can offer a multitude of benefits for businesses of all sizes. Content: What are the benefits of cloud migration? How much does cloud migration cost? What are the...

Code green: Building a climate-neutral economy with software

green coding with MWDN
Software development isn’t just about flashy apps and social media platforms. It’s increasingly becoming a vital tool in the fight against climate change and the journey towards a climate-neutral economy. From optimizing electric vehicles to harnessing the power of quantum computers for sustainable agriculture, software is shaping a greener future. Content: How can software development...

How to hire top software engineers on your own and with the help of a staff augmentation provider

how to hire software engineer?
Even though there is more tech talent in the global market than ever before, finding software engineers that would fit your needs is still a challenge. Why is it so? The economic slowdown that followed the period of skyrocketing growth after the pandemic resulted in massive layoffs in the tech sector, particularly among giants like...

5 global tredns in R&D 2024

Top 5 global R&D trends in 2024
Imagine technology as both a tiny chess piece and the ruler of the board. Big countries are using tech to compete, and new inventions are changing everything – from robots learning to the meaning of life itself! This article explores how tech trends and powerful countries influence each other, shaping our future. We’ll talk about...

Outsourcing models for your tech company: Choose yours in 2024 | MWDN OUTSTAFFING IT SERVICES

IT outsourcing models by MWDN
According to Deloitte and GitHub, one of the top reasons businesses opt for various IT outsourcing models is to cut costs. The key task of all offshore software development teams is to create better software at lower prices. This reasoning becomes even more reasonable when we consider current fluctuations in the global economy and the...