MWDN stories, insightful analysis of IT market, tips on remote development and efficient software outsourcing

Software development trends of 2020 you can’t miss

In the era of accelerated technological progress, you can’t allow yourself to miss any important change if you want to stay competitive. Though it may feel like chasing something elusive, the results of such a pursuit can be quite tangible for you. Think of the most obvious ones: innovative products, optimized processes and budget, reduced...
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Mobile app ideas 2020: how to come up with a masterpiece

Heart, lungs, liver, spleen, [gadget]. It seems the list of vital human organs has increased by that last one, as people are growing inseparable from their Internet connections. The legendary “average adult in the U.S.” now spends about 3 hours 45 minutes a day on a mobile device, and among other results, mobile apps are...

Top 11 classic successful outsourcing examples: software

Edited on: 01.16.24 Outsourced software development and IT outsourcing, in general, are huge things now. As with all the huge things out there, this one is already wrapped in myth in some aspects and has its fair share of both glorious successful outsourcing examples in business and Halloween-ish urban legends. Meanwhile, the market is growing:...

IT Outsourcing vs Offshoring: are they the same thing?

The time has come, hasn’t it? Once your enterprise is confidently and officially past the “cozy local business stage”, some things just can’t be done in-house anymore. At this point, a smart executive officer is bound to consider outsourcing (or offshoring?) some activities. Viable reasons to outsource are abundant to the point of overflow. Maybe...

What is lean software development and is it underrated?

lean software development
A while ago in the 20th century, Toyota managed to climb out of serious problems using a special approach to manufacturing. The method involved, among others, defining and ruthlessly cutting away anything that didn’t bring value into the product – as well as empowering the professionals involved. The system gained acceptance, and has been used...

The difference between software development and software engineering

engineer vs developer
Let’s talk about one of those things that even tech geeks get confused about. Is there any difference between software engineer vs software developer? In most cases, these are used interchangeably — everywhere, from tech articles to job descriptions. So even the companies that intend to hire a specialist are not sure whether they are...

What you, as an employer, will want to know about a Python developer salary

It could safely be called an achievement day for Cathy, a recruiter at a middle-sized SaaS company located near a university town. As the newly employed Pythonist was heading home to start his job on Monday, she thought about the hunt. Not that there was a lack of specialists – what with the hype around...

How to use Ruby on Rails: A Complete Guide

For both a beginning developer and someone distantly related to programming, Ruby on Rails (ROR) will sound familiar. It’s the name you might have heard in the same context as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Yet, ROR has nothing to do with a programming language. Just as Facebook’s React Native, it’s a development framework that is...

The (false?) diversity of software development process

Ever wanted to annoy two technical managers? Bring in a Scrum Master and start talking about hybrid Waterfall-Agile approaches, throwing in some business stats to heat up the holy war. Keep shaken not stirred. The polemics about how best to arrange the software development process have been as hot as the arguments about what the...