MWDN stories, insightful analysis of IT market, tips on remote development and efficient software outsourcing

Why do you need to choose an extended team model?

Fixed-bid outsourcing is not always the best way to delegate IT services. The extended team model is another business cooperation method that is particularly widely spread in the field of software development. Why so? What are its benefits and peculiarities and, more importantly, should your business opt for ETM? Let’s find it out!  Contents:  Extended...

Why extended team model is the new era of outsourcing?

Around 65% of successful organizations take advantage of outsourcing, with IT services being in the top 3 sectors that are outsourced. Thanks to this business model, companies decrease costs, speed up time to the market, and develop apps they would never develop without offshore assistance. However, in some cases, outsourcing is not the best choice,...
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