MWDN stories, insightful analysis of IT market, tips on remote development and efficient software outsourcing

[Infographic] Outsourcing to Ukraine: Is It a Wise Choice?

It is obvious, that the choice of the geographical location of outsourcing partners is an important task, and it depends on many factors. There are lots of countries offering such services — and, in any case, a company that is looking for partners, come to Ukraine as a possible choice. In our article, we will...
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Outsourcing Contract Types Review: Fixed Price vs Time-and-Materials vs Dedicated Teams

Software Development Pricing Model In the broadest sense, software development is the process of analysis, creating architecture, writing code, creating a design, testing, and implementation. But in fact, things are a little more complicated, because the development begins with the choice of the software development pricing model that the market provides to business today, dedicated...

ReactJS Introduction

ReactJS Introduction. The development of mobile applications today IT industry is one of the most profitable and the most popular by the number of practicing developers direction. The popularity of mobile gadgets and smart phones has made a real revolution in the digital world, forcing many companies to throw all their forces to gain a place...

MWDN Israel Connections

MWDN software development agency was established 14 years ago and has successfully cooperated with numerous customers from around the world. Our company is also represented in Israel where we managed to complete a lot of complex and outstanding projects. This alliance has meaningfully influenced our company’s strength and potential and reinforced the position of MWDN...