5 global tredns in R&D 2024

Top 5 global R&D trends in 2024

Imagine technology as both a tiny chess piece and the ruler of the board. Big countries are using tech to compete, and new inventions are changing everything – from robots learning to the meaning of life itself! This article explores how tech trends and powerful countries influence each other, shaping our future. We’ll talk about competition, ethics, and how tech might change us forever. Don’t just think new gadgets – think about where the world is headed!


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How has the environment shaped key trends of R&D in 2024?

The recent decade has affected the development of the R&D sector a lot, speeding up some of the trends and driving out the others. Societal needs, environmental concerns, and unexpected tensions have formed technological advancements of 2024. As global events unfold and new technologies emerge, R&D priorities will continue to evolve accordingly. What do we have now?

Sustainability and clean energy

Climate change and environmental concerns have driven R&D towards sustainability and clean energy solutions. This includes the development of renewable energy sources, such as solar and wind, advancements in battery storage technology, and innovations in carbon capture and utilization.

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

AI and ML continue to be at the forefront of R&D, with applications expanding into healthcare diagnostics, autonomous vehicles, and intelligent systems for managing complex data. The push for AI ethics and responsible AI also guides research in this area.

Pandemic response and healthcare innovations

The COVID-19 pandemic accelerated R&D in healthcare, particularly in vaccine development, telehealth, and digital health solutions. The urgency of addressing a global health crisis spurred innovations in mRNA vaccine technology and health monitoring devices.

Biotech and genetic engineering innovations, such as CRISPR-Cas9 gene editing, are transforming medical treatments, agriculture, and biofuels. R&D focuses on ethical considerations and potential applications of these technologies.

War-connected developments

military tech 2024

The war in Ukraine and a renewed conflict in Gaza have affected shifts in global priorities, funding allocations, and technological focuses.

With reasons and landscape well defined, let’s have a closer look at five key trends in the R&D sector we’re about to witness in 2024 and beyond. 

1. Think global – ecology and sustainability

ecology and sustainability R&D

The global push towards sustainability significantly impacts R&D spending, directing investments towards developing solutions that are not only innovative but also environmentally responsible. This shift is driven by increasing environmental awareness, regulatory pressures, and consumer demand for sustainable products and practices. Here are some examples of key areas of focus:

Renewable energy

Investments in R&D for renewable energy sources like solar, wind, and hydroelectric power continue to rise as the world seeks to reduce reliance on fossil fuels. For instance, the International Energy Agency (IEA) reported that global spending on energy R&D has been increasingly focusing on clean energy technologies. Check out some specific examples of R&D developments in renewable energy.

Solar energy

Wind energy

Biodegradable materials

The development of biodegradable materials, especially in packaging and single-use products, is a major area of R&D. By investing in R&D, the following (and many other) companies are contributing to the development of more sustainable materials, reducing reliance on fossil fuels and minimizing plastic waste pollution.


Bio-based composites

Algae-based materials

Electric vehicles and battery technology

The automotive industry’s shift towards electric vehicles has spurred R&D in battery technology, aiming to improve battery life, efficiency, and sustainability. The development of solid-state batteries and advancements in lithium-ion technology are examples of how R&D is driving innovation in this sector. These are the leading companies in this niche.

Solid-state batteries

Lithium-ion battery improvements

Alternative battery technologies

And this is just a tiny part of all the green R&D on the planet in 2024. There is also sustainable agriculture, where R&D focuses on developing techniques that increase crop yields without harming the environment. They work on biopesticides, drought-resistant crops, and agricultural practices that improve soil health and biodiversity. There is water purification and conservation, which are critical to addressing global water scarcity. R&D in this area includes the development of low-energy desalination processes, efficient wastewater treatment methods, and smart irrigation systems.

2. AI and ML – engine for progress

how AI affects R&D

Across sectors, AI and ML are automating routine tasks, freeing up human workers to focus on more complex and creative aspects of their jobs. By enabling the analysis of vast datasets and generating insights at unprecedented speeds, they open up new ways for innovation, leading to the development of products and services that were previously unimaginable. They enable businesses to offer highly personalized experiences to customers, from tailored healthcare treatment plans to customized financial advice and personalized shopping experiences.

As AI and ML continue to evolve, their integration into R&D activities is set to deepen. The potential for transformative impacts on healthcare, finance, automotive, and technology sectors is immense, promising to enhance economic growth and address some of the most pressing challenges faced by society.

Here are some ways in which AI and ML help in key economy sectors:


AI algorithms can analyze vast amounts of medical data to identify patterns that humans may overlook, leading to early detection of diseases like cancer. ML models also enable personalized treatment plans based on individual patient data, significantly improving outcomes.

AI speeds up the drug discovery process by predicting how different chemicals will react together, identifying potential candidates for treatments much faster than traditional methods.


AI and ML are used to monitor transactions in real time, identifying suspicious activities and preventing fraud. This capability is crucial in an era where digital transactions are predominant.

ML algorithms can analyze market data at high speeds to make automated trading decisions based on historical trends and patterns, optimizing strategies in ways humans cannot match.


AI is the driving force behind self-driving cars, with ML algorithms processing data from vehicle sensors to make decisions in real time, enhancing safety and efficiency on the roads.

By analyzing data from vehicle sensors, AI can predict when parts might fail or require maintenance, thereby reducing downtime and repair costs.


AI and ML are revolutionizing software development, from automating code generation to predicting potential bugs and vulnerabilities, thereby streamlining development processes and enhancing software quality.

AI-based systems are capable of detecting and responding to cyber threats more efficiently than traditional software, adapting to new risks in real time, and protecting sensitive data from increasingly sophisticated cyber-attacks.

3. Collaborative R&D and R&D tax credits

The trend toward collaboration among businesses, academic institutions, and governments represents a shift toward open innovation models. This collaborative approach breaks down traditional barriers to innovation, leveraging external ideas, resources, and pathways to market alongside internal efforts. Here are some examples of collaborative development: 

R&D tax credit

R&D tax credit examples across the countries

Imagine getting a discount on your taxes for creating new things! That’s what R&D tax credits are about. Governments around the world offer these credits to encourage businesses to invest in R&D, which leads to innovation and progress. Let’s see how it works:

Overall, by embracing R&D tax credits, businesses can unlock their innovative potential and make the world a better place!

4. Shift towards personalized medicine

Advances in genomics and biotechnology are fundamentally transforming healthcare into a more personalized and effective system. Personalized healthcare tailors medical treatment to individual characteristics and genetic makeup, ensuring treatments are more precise and outcomes are improved. Here’s how these advances are reshaping healthcare solutions and impacting R&D in pharmaceuticals and medical devices:

Personalized healthcare solutions

Genetic testing can identify mutations in an individual’s DNA associated with a higher risk of developing certain diseases, such as cancer, cardiovascular diseases, and genetic disorders. For example, BRCA1 and BRCA2 gene mutation tests can predict the risk of breast and ovarian cancer, allowing for early intervention and tailored preventive measures.

Another field of R&D  interest is pharmacogenomics. It studies how genes affect a person’s response to drugs. This knowledge enables healthcare providers to prescribe medications that are more effective and have fewer side effects. A notable example is the use of pharmacogenomics in prescribing the right dosage of warfarin, a blood thinner, to prevent blood clots while minimizing the risk of bleeding.

Advances in genomics have led to the development of targeted therapies, particularly in oncology, where drugs target specific genetic changes in tumors. Trastuzumab (Herceptin) is a targeted therapy used to treat breast cancer that overexpresses the HER2 protein.

healthcare software case study

Impact on R&D

5. Increased R&D investments in emerging markets

R&D in China

In 2021, Israel, South Korea, the USA, Belgium, and Sweden were the top 5 countries investing in their R&D. The global R&D landscape is witnessing a significant shift, though, with emerging economies like China, India, and Brazil playing increasingly pivotal roles. This transformation is largely driven by comprehensive government policies and incentives designed to foster innovation, attract talent, and stimulate economic growth. Here’s an exploration of how these countries influence the global R&D arena and the governmental strategies facilitating this trend:




What challenges will R&D face in 2024?

Even though 2024 will unlikely be an easy year, we hope the craving for development will be stronger than all the difficulties we will face. Albeit, these are three challenges we expect:


  1. Funding constraints. Securing adequate funding for R&D projects is a significant challenge, especially for startups and smaller enterprises. High costs and uncertain returns can deter investment. Limited funding restricts the scope of research activities, delays project timelines, and can ultimately stifle innovation.
  2. Regulatory hurdles. Navigating the complex web of regulations and compliance requirements, especially in industries like pharmaceuticals and biotechnology, can be daunting and time-consuming. These regulatory challenges can slow down the development and market introduction of new products, increase costs, and limit the ability of firms to innovate and compete globally.
  3. Need for skilled professionals. The demand for highly skilled professionals in emerging technologies often outstrips supply, leading to talent shortages in critical areas of research and development. The scarcity of skilled talent can hinder the progress of R&D projects, reduce competitiveness, and drive up salaries, further increasing the costs of innovation.


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