What’s New in Extended Teams in 2021? How To Successfully Manage and choose right tools Remote teams

What is an extended team?

An Extended Team (also known as staff augmentation) is an addition to an in-house team which usually assumes non-core IT components. Such a partnership between onshore and offshore teams distributes responsibilities and provides better transparency by close cooperation.

How do extended teams work?

Extended Teams (ET) compliment in-house teams but never replace them. ETs add value to the company’s workforce by filling the skill gaps of their onshore team members. If your business calls for additional help in handling an increasing amount of work, developing a particular feature for a specific project or launching a new product, applying the extended teams model is the best solution. Remote teams represent a clear and modern approach.

Alternatives To Outsourcing: Extended team!

alternatives to outsourcing

In the modern changing environment IT services are taking one of the main roles in a company’s successful development. IT costs on having skillful developers have risen up in the Eurozone or North America. IT outsourcing comes to solve this problem by providing the specialists offshore and saving the skill set of developers. However, outsourcing services involve additional taxes and can take a long time for setting up. You can learn more about the IT Outsourcing model in our article Overview on IT Outsourcing: Definition, Benefits, Services and Trends in 2021. Increasing number of businesses are searching for alternatives to outsourcing.
Extended Teams can be a rapid solution for overwhelmed in-house teams. The extended teams option makes it possible for a company to look for a specialist or a team to bring more value to its project, it is also easy to manage. Moreover, it allows to gain an advantage from cost-effective and flexible IT support.

Difference between core team and extended team

core team and extended team

The main differences between core and extended teams are:

This information provides you an overview that there are not many differences between managing your core and extended teams. It is easy to prevent those things by putting more effort into creating strong relationships with your remote employees and setting transparent rules.

How to manage a remote team?

manage a remote team

Managing remote employees is similar to managing your core team model. It requires similar principles, however, it may take a little bit more effort and time for an offshore staff. Despite the fact that technology companies are good at digital communication, they may still feel a bit frustrated when it comes to remote management. Nevertheless, online communication can erase boundaries and provide a productive remote collaboration.
The working style is a fundamental component of an effective collaboration inside the team. Sometimes, remote developers have different approaches compared to the one your company has got used to which is also easy to overcome with the right training. Another issue you might face is the language barrier. One of the tips in managing remote employees is to simplify your language to them. It will help you to stay on the same wavelength and avoid misunderstandings.

Tools for Managing Remote Employees

Managing Remote Employees

Productive communication with your extended team is done by video or audio calls, which is a great facilitation tool for it. Video conferencing and visual contact can be realized with support of the most popular softwares, such as:

The other means of communication are messengers. They can assist you in speeding up the development process, such as:

Additionally, you can always keep in mind such cloud-base softwires as Asana, Trello, Jira and others, which can automate the workflow management and provide more effective collaboration.

Managing remote employees: best practices

best practices for remote teams

Effective remote management of your extended team can be challenging. Here are some best practices which can help you build a bridge to your offshore staff.

What is the difference between remote and virtual teams?

Remote and Virtual teams are almost the same, they are a group of people who work for common projects and goals via digital communication. However, there is a slight difference.

Remote Team Virtual Team
GEO Located in different areas Can be located in the same zone but work virtually
Reporting Model Each team member report to the team manager There are several team manager and every employee can report to different one

Extended Team Model Pros and Cons


  1. Access to the best international pool of talent
    You can spot brilliant developers on the international market and choose from the top tech talents.
    MWDN is ready to offer you the best skillful developers to manage your project and meet the objectives.
  2. Supervise the hiring process
    You can get involved in the hiring process by personally screening and interviewing potential candidates. MWDN will do all the hard work for you and offer you only the best developers which suit your requirements and you don’t need to spend hours screening all the applications.
  3. Motivated and committed software developers
    Your remote team members become an integral part of your company, adjust to your methodologies, management styles, corporate culture and move toward a common goal.
    Both in-house and augmented teams adapt to work as a single well-organised machine due to increased shared responsibility.
  4. Flexibility and transparency
    You manage your remote employees as you see it. There are no intermediaries between you and your remote team. The communication is direct and all the tasks are given straight away.
    Having an extended team model determines the transparency at all levels which helps to manage and monitor the performance of your remote employees.
  5. Easy Setup and Start
    The process of extending your team with MWDN is clear and easy. We take all the operational tasks and provide your developers with all necessary equipment in a comfortable working environment.

Despite all the advantages, Extended Development Team has its own disadvantages which are not crucial but still it is good to know.

  1. Training and Onboarding is more complex
    It should be done online. Also you need to reconsider how to manage your meeting due to time differences and digital communication.
  2. Company Culture
    As it was already mentioned, you need to highlight the core values and mission of the company to your remote employees. Provide special trainings on your corporate culture and rules.

The Cons of Extended team are not crucial and easy to overcome with the right management.

MWDN has extensive experience building scalable and efficient development teams for startups and businesses worldwide. Using our expertise and direct access to a huge Ukrainian talent pool, we can help you to choose the right business model, set up your own extended team of software developers and refine your operations in accordance to your needs.

If you are not sure about your outsourcing model you can learn more about the STAFF AUGMENTATION model and if it suits your business needs or contact us and our managers will be glad to answer your questions and find the right solution to meet your goals.


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