Andrii Partola | MWDN Java Developer

About ITer Academy

ITer Academy is my “plan for the future.” I started it over a year ago when I decided to make my Java course. 

Why? Because I felt uncomfortable doing nothing in my free time, I felt like I wasn’t doing anything useful. At that time, many people shared free resources with the Ukrainian audience. I planned to create a course in English, counting on a fairly broad audience, but at the same time, give all Ukrainians access to the course for free. I started developing the course, and it turned out that it took a lot of time, much more than I expected. 

I had to put the academy project on hold last winter because of the power shortages, which made working on it even harder and longer. ITer Academy now has a website (so far, it’s a template one-pager with irrelevant information), an Instagram page I created for the future, and a Telegram channel. I still want to finish this course when I have more time, but it’s all on hold right now.

Who will win the most from studying programming as an adult?

I cannot provide a specific portrait, but I can say that successful “switchers” from non-technical professions to programmers can be very diverse. They can be young guys with a technical education and women on maternity leave who want to change careers or add a new skill. Nothing is as important as these characteristics:

About future career 

I always fancied the idea of creating my own projects. My reasoning is not only to make money. I also like implementing new ideas – thus, you really feel your impact on the world around you. 

Managerial positions in large companies are attractive, too, but I feel it would be difficult to maintain my creativity and initiative in tech giants.

Some people think about early retirement, at, say, 40 years. This idea might sound cool, but I’m unsure if I should stop my professional activity that early. I love what I do and want to do it as long as possible. 

Therefore, the ideal scenario for me is to develop my own projects that bring income and positively contribute to other people’s lives.

Motivational pieces of writing 

My primary motivation for learning programming has always been a deep curiosity about technology. I wanted to understand how everything works “under the hood.” However, several vital books helped me better navigate this world at the very beginning.

Thinking in Java” by Bruce Eckel was one of the first books on programming I read, and it gave me a solid foundation for understanding Java. “Clean Code” by Robert Martin added to this understanding the ethos of a professional programmer: How to write code that doesn’t just “work” but is understandable, scalable, and easily maintainable.

These books taught me technical skills and showed me that programming is not just a job; it is a craft that requires constant self-improvement and a commitment to quality.

About used-to-be cult figures

I used to admire Elon Musk. His ambition and ability to look into the future and change the world seemed very inspiring to me.

But recently, his behavior, in particular on social media, made me reconsider my attitude towards him. I no longer feel the same admiration I had before, and I began to assess his activities more critically, as well as the activities of other public figures. Now, I try not to “put anyone on a pedestal” but to look at people more objectively, evaluating them for specific actions and deeds.

About sports and physical shape

Sport has always been an integral part of my life. When we lived in Kamianets-Podilskyi, I visited the swimming pool twice a week and went to the gym three times a week. However, after moving to Lviv, I decided to try something new – crossfit. And so far I really like it.

I believe that physical activity should be an everyday habit in the life of every person. This is not just a way to keep fit, but a big step towards overall well-being and quality of life.

About traveling and favorite places

I had the opportunity to visit a number of countries, and each of them is unique and interesting in its own way. But if I had to choose one, it would be the Netherlands. This country attracts me with its openness, tolerance, and high standard of living. I love their approach to ecology, modern architecture, and of course, the Сanals of Amsterdam. I always feel comfortable there and as if “at home.” I also proposed to my wife Diana in Amsterdam. Plus, this country focuses on technology, which is also important to me as a programmer.

About the possibility of relocation

I thought about relocation, but I still don’t know if I want it or not. In the conditions of the ongoing war, there can be no talk of relocation, of course.

However, my wife and I often discuss the possibility of living in different countries just for experience. It would be exciting and informative. But I cannot say we are ready for a full-fledged relocation just yet. This is a serious step; before you make it, you must carefully weigh all the pros and cons.

What’s your next stop?

I have always dreamed of visiting the USA. I want to see big cities like New York, try American fast food, and check out the startup ecosystem in Silicon Valley. And, of course, enjoy their incredible nature – the Grand Canyon and Yellowstone.

Therefore, I think the next country I visit will be the USA.

What’s more important than salary?

Salary is significant, there’s no doubt. But, I am willing to compromise on income if the project can give me invaluable experience. Such experience can compensate for a lower salary and open new opportunities for making money and career growth. Therefore, I always pay attention not only to the financial side when talking to a new company but also to whether this work will be interesting and useful for me in the long term.

About technology trends in 2024

I think next year will be big for artificial intelligence. This technology is already changing the world and gaining momentum every year. Perhaps the gaming industry and mobile applications will also adapt to new realities (like foldables popularity or Unity’s messed up pricing policies), but artificial intelligence can potentially transform the most diverse areas of life. Therefore, I expect AI to become even more insightful and present in more and more products and services.

What’s your prediction for the future?

It is difficult to say whether the worst is already behind us. Of course, the world is going through many challenges, and it seems that there are more and more of them to come. But at the same time, technology is developing, and humanity is becoming smarter in solving global problems. Therefore, I believe that we have a chance to overcome future challenges, although, of course, there are no guarantees. What I am sure of is that Ukraine will defeat the Muscovites in this war.

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