Native vs Hybrid App Development: How to Make the Right Choice

When starting a project, entrepreneurs usually face an important choice: native vs hybrid app development. Both options have their pros and cons, so how to make the right choice?

The Choice of Android or iOS Platform

One of the first stages preceding the process of code creating is the choice of a suitable platform. As the statistics show, over the past few years, the most part of the market is distributed among two competing platforms: iOS and Android. The latter, however, is distinguished by a significant gap ahead in relation to the total number of users. However, in spite of this fact, the iOS platform is no less relevant for developers in terms of creating new software.

Historically, if the application becomes popular enough on one of the above-mentioned platforms, the developers convert it to another platform after some time. Native application development for a new OS, as a rule, takes at least half the time spent by programmers to create the first one and therefore will cost not much less than the original project.

Read more: iOS vs Android: Which Platform to Choose

As for the hybrid version, which, in turn, combines elements of native and cross-platform development, it will cost you a little cheaper, but your application will require an initially different approach to creating code in this case. Hybrid applications take the HTML advantage inherent to the cross-platform approach in parts responsible for the content, and connect native modules, in which it is vital to provide increased responsiveness when interacting with the user. So, which option is the best in the confrontation of hybrid apps vs native apps? In this article, we will find out in which cases the best solution will be native development, and in which the hybrid app is the best, and what their main difference is.

Native Development: the Main Features

Advantages of Native Development

Disadvantages of Native Development

Read more: How to Port Your App to Another Platform

native vs hybrid app development

Hybrid Development: the Main Features

Advantages of Hybrid Development

Disadvantages of Hybrid Development

Hybrid App vs Native App: Summary

So, what is the winner in native app development vs hybrid confrontation? Due to the rapid growth of technology, the tools that will allow creating hybrid applications to be not inferior to native ones in their level of responsiveness will appear soon. Nevertheless, today you can not do without a native approach to creating software if you need a high-performance application with complex business logic, which should be able to work without a network connection and maximize the resources provided by a specific platform.

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