What should we expect in 2021?

In 2020, the worldwide market of outsourced services composed $92.5 billion. IT outsourcing held more than 70% of it by reaching a $66.5 billion contract value. With the leap-ahead development of technologies, these numbers are predicted to grow 5% annually. 

Today, both big companies and small startups choose outsourcing programming as it allows them to decrease expenditures on the labor force, increase the pool of specialists they can pick from, scale their business more rapidly, and add flexibility to their planning and growth. According to the Deloitte survey, 78% of companies who have chosen the outsourcing model are satisfied with the outcomes with 59% of them mentioning the reduction of their business expenses.

If you’re considering an outsourcing model for your business development, have a look at the following software industry trends 2021. Find out more about spheres you should invest in to get maximum benefits from hiring a dedicated team of developers offshore.

Main Outsourcing complex processes

software development outsourcing

Like in the previous years, today companies still delocalise monotonous jobs like customer support or accounting to countries or cities with a lower hourly rate. However, according to Kearney, in 2021 the focus switches to hiring IT specialists with unique specialization. Today, companies delegate complex business processes and software development to reliable allies because of a constant shortage of experienced engineers in their local labor markets. 

Almost 90% of respondents who participated in the McKinsey Global Survey stated that they’re facing or about to face a skill gap during the next decade. They will particularly lack specialists in data analytics, IT, mobile, and web design. The situation doesn’t seem to improve from one region to another as only 18% of countries don’t report the deficiency of highly-skilled specialists.

The rising demand for software developers able to provide complex solutions for intricate business needs will frame the outsourcing market in 2021.


The worldwide revenues received by the e-commerce sector are projected to grow from $4,206 billion in 2020 to $4,927 billion in 2021 and this is the biggest year-over-year leap so far. If you don’t find these numbers remarkable, consider that in the US, for example, experts haven’t expected such a rise until at least 2023.

ecommerce trends 2021

Today, almost 75% of trade members prefer buying and selling goods and services online. However, according to the McKinsey report, many traders still have problems meeting buyers’ expectations in terms of the functionality and convenience of their applications and desktop versions of their e-commerce projects. Customers expect online shops to be easy to use, providing a more convenient and personalized user experience.

What technologies are of the highest demand in e-commerce?

  1. Smart chatbots. According to Juniper Research, in 2019 alone, chatbots have saved more than $165 million to businesses worldwide. With the increasing role of AI and machine learning in chatbots programming, smart bots have become more efficient, covering about 88% of all incoming messages. With an average price of $7 for a B2C and $13 for a B2B interaction, chatbots seem to offer tremendous money-saving opportunities.
  2. Voice commerce. As Amazon and Google increase the number of languages their voice assistants recognize, customers around the world become more eager to place orders using their voice. Loup Ventures states that by 2025, almost three-quarters of US families will have and use smart speakers, particularly for shopping.
  3. AR and VR. With the augmented reality technology, you can try on a new lipstick using a filter or figure out if the piece of furniture fits into your living room. AR and VR add fun to shopping, improve interaction, increase the loyalty of customers, and can influence their decision to shop on one or another website.

The e-commerce market growth leads to a constant craving for high-tech solutions among customers which will affect the future of software development. It means an expanding need for experienced engineers able to improve customers’ experience in online shops.


cybersecurity trends 2021

Fintech News states that the COVID-19 crisis might have been the reason beyond the extensive increase of cyberattacks, specifically on financial organizations and banks. The 2020th has demonstrated to companies how poorly protected they are. Today, business owners have to reflect on their security policy and search for allies who would safeguard their business information and the private data of their clients.

Outsourcing cybersecurity is one of the biggest IT industry trends in 2021 due to the global shortage of specialists in this field. For example, by 2022, Europe alone will lack 350,000 specialists in cyber-security. With MWDN, you can hire a devoted team who will make your business stronger and help it face new virtual hazards.


Our experts constantly monitor the upcoming trends in software development and apply them when reaching your business goals. The efforts of our developers, designers, and QA engineers are focused on improving your position in the market by offering the best solutions to your technical needs. The world changes every day, and it seems like the 2021st is a perfect time to contribute to the growth of your company by delegating software development to reliable experts.

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