How to hire top software engineers on your own and with the help of a staff augmentation provider

how to hire software engineer?

What is the state of the IT labor market in 2024? Is it still hard to find a software developer? While the IT industry has historically enjoyed a strong job market, finding qualified software developers in 2024 presents a nuanced picture.

Recent market disruptions include massive layoffs in the tech sector (companies like Meta and Netflix have undergone significant workforce reductions in 2023, laying off thousands of employees) and economic slowdown (a global economic slowdown in late 2022 and early 2023 led some companies to tighten their hiring budgets, impacting IT recruitment efforts).


hire software engineer

These disruptions have caused temporary imbalances in the IT labor market, including increased competition for specific roles. While some areas face layoffs, there’s still a high demand for developers with specialized skills like AI, cybersecurity, and cloud computing. This can lead to fierce competition for these positions.

Software engineers for hire 2024

Attracting and hiring talented software engineers can be a challenging but rewarding process. Before we dive into hiring top software engineers, let’s get you through the most commonly asked questions on the topic.

How do I find a good software engineer?

find software engineer

Is it difficult to hire software engineers?

Yes, the current market makes hiring software engineers challenging. Factors like high demand, limited supply, and the need for specific skill sets contribute to the difficulty. However, with a well-defined strategy and a commitment to attracting top talent, you can increase your chances of success.

Can you hire a software developer?

The answer can be both yes and no. You “can” hire a software developer by following the strategies mentioned above. However, the success of finding the “right” software developer depends on several factors, including:

Your budget. Obviously, competitive salaries and benefits are crucial to attract top talent.

Project needs. Clearly define the required skills and experience needed for the specific role.

Hiring process. Implement a well-structured interview process with a good balance of technical and cultural assessments.

Employer brand. Cultivate a strong employer brand that showcases your company culture, work environment, and opportunities for growth.

What is the best way to hire a software developer?

There’s no single “best” way, as the optimal approach depends on your specific needs and resources. However, here are some key strategies for successful hiring:

1. Write an attractive job description. Clearly outline the responsibilities, required skills, and the company culture to attract qualified candidates.

write job description

2. Utilize diverse recruitment channels. Advertise on various platforms, leverage your network, and consider alternative options like employee referrals.

3. Develop a well-structured interview process. Include technical assessments, behavioral interviews, and opportunities for the candidate to learn about your company culture and team.

4. Focus on cultural fit and soft skills. Beyond technical expertise, assess the candidate’s teamwork, communication, and problem-solving abilities to ensure they will thrive within your team.

5. Be transparent and timely throughout the process. Communicate clearly with candidates, update them on their application status, and provide feedback.

staff augmentation Eastern Europe

How much does it cost to hire an engineer? 

The cost of hiring a software engineer depends on several factors, including their location, level of expertise, skill set, and your size and industry. 

Here’s a breakdown of average hourly and annual software engineer salaries in USD for some American and European countries:

So, how much should you pay your engineer?

There’s no one-size-fits-all answer, but there are three factors to consider. (1) Your budget. Determine how much you are willing to spend on an engineer’s salary and benefits. (2) The market rate. Research the average salaries for similar positions in your region to ensure you’re offering a competitive package. (3) The value the engineer brings. Consider the engineer’s skills, experience, and the impact they will have on your company.

Beyond salary, there are other costs to consider when hiring an engineer, including benefits, recruitment costs, and training expenditures.

Job market outlook for software engineers in 2024 and above

On one hand, there are wars and economic and geopolitical instabilities, while on the other – the tech world has never been that developed. What should we expect? What affects the tech talent market in 2024?

High demand for software

Projected job growth

According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, the demand for software developers in the US is expected to grow by 13% from 2022 to 2032, much faster than the average for all occupations.

Skills in demand

While the overall demand remains high, there’s a growing need for software engineers with specific skill sets, including AI and ML, cloud computing, cybersecurity, and full-stack development.

Talking of AI. This technology is undoubtedly influencing the IT labor market, but it’s important to understand its nature. AI is not replacing developers entirely. It can automate repetitive tasks, freeing developers to focus on more complex and creative work. AI creates new skill demands. As AI technologies evolve, developers must adapt and acquire new skills to complement and work alongside AI systems.

Global opportunities

The demand for software engineers is not limited to specific regions. Companies worldwide are looking for skilled developers, offering opportunities for remote work or work in different countries. The “work from anywhere” policy that some companies have incorporated during the pandemic is now a reality.

How to be a software engineer in 2024?

become a software engineer 2024

First of all, develop the necessary skills. Pursue education (formal degrees, bootcamps) and self-learning to build your skillset in programming languages, frameworks, and relevant technologies. Even when you finish your education, you will have to stay updated for as long as you’re in the IT sphere, as the tech landscape is constantly evolving.

Building a strong portfolio will help you get your first job offer a lot. Showcase your skills and experience through personal projects, open-source contributions, or freelance work. To get your first job faster, build connections with other developers, attend industry events, and actively engage in the tech community.

Will software engineers be needed in 2030?

With AI developing so fast, can we say that software development and engineering is a profession of the future? Based on current trends and the growing demand for software, it’s highly likely that software engineers will continue to be in high demand in 2030 and beyond. However, the specific skills and expertise needed may evolve as technology advances.

How do you hire the best software engineers?

Here’s a step-by-step guide on hiring an engineer.

1. Define your needs

Clearly outline the responsibilities, required skills, and desired experience for the role in the job description. Establish specific screening criteria to assess candidates’ resumes and cover letters.

2. Attract top talent

Utilize relevant online platforms like LinkedIn or niche tech job boards to reach qualified candidates. Encourage existing employees to recommend talented individuals from their network. Build a strong employer brand by showcasing company culture and employee benefits.

3. Initial screening

Analyze resumes and cover letters to identify candidates who meet the essential qualifications. Utilize automated or manual skill assessments to gauge technical proficiency in relevant areas.

4. Interview stages

Round 1: Phone screen (30-60 minutes)

Round 2: Technical interview (60-90 minutes)

Check out a great example of a mock technical interview by freeCodeCamp:

Software Engineering Job Interview – Full Mock Interview

Round 3: On-site interview (2-4 hours)

5. Reference checks and offer negotiation

What else can you do?

! Standardize your interview process. Ensure consistency in questioning and evaluation across all candidates.

! Involve relevant team members. Include developers and other team members in the interview process to assess technical skills and cultural fit.

! Provide timely feedback. Keep candidates informed throughout the process and offer constructive feedback even if they are not selected.

DIY: Hiring in-house developers and freelance contractors 

When building a software development team with no help from a third-party vendor, you have several options: hiring in-house developers as full-time employees or contracting freelance developers. Let’s figure out which approach is better for you.

In-house employeesFreelance developers
CostSalary and benefits. This includes the developer's base salary, bonuses, health insurance, paid time off, and other employer contributions. The average annual salary for software engineers in the US generally ranges from $100,000 to $200,000.

Additional costs. Beyond salary and benefits, there are additional costs associated with hiring full-time employees, such as office space, equipment, and training resources.
Hourly rate. Freelance developers typically charge an hourly rate, which can vary depending on their experience, skill set, and location. The average hourly rate for freelance software developers in the US can range from $25 to $100.

Project-based rates. Some freelancers may offer fixed rates for specific projects, which can be helpful for budgeting purposes.
Pros- Direct control and management
- Stronger team culture and collaboration
- Long-term commitment
- Cost-effectiveness
- Flexibility
- Access to diverse skill sets
Cons- Higher overall cost
- Slower hiring process
- Less flexibility
- Less control and management
- Communication challenges
- Project continuity

Why is it so difficult to hire software engineers?

Why hiring IT specialists is so long, costly, and hard? That’s due to high demand, limited supply, competitive hiring landscape, evolving expectations, and many more. Let’s get you through them.

Using coding interview challenges to hire software engineers

Coding interview challenges have become a popular tool for assessing the technical skills of software engineers during the recruitment process. Are they really that good? Certainly, they have some benefits. Coding challenges provide a consistent and objective way to evaluate technical skills compared to traditional interview formats. They assess a candidate’s ability to approach, analyze, and solve problems using code, a crucial skill for software engineers. They can be tailored to specific skills and programming languages needed for the role, allowing an in-depth evaluation of technical proficiency.

What are coding interview limitations? They often focus on specific coding skills and algorithms, potentially neglecting other critical aspects like communication, teamwork, and problem-solving outside of technical coding. The design and selection of coding challenges can unintentionally favor candidates with specific backgrounds or experience in solving similar problems.

What are the best practices for using coding interview challenges? 

  1. Combine them with other evaluation methods. Use coding challenges alongside other tools like behavioral interviews, portfolio reviews, and references to gain a holistic understanding of the candidate.
  2. Tailor challenges to the role. Design or select challenges that are relevant to the specific skills and technologies required for the position.
  3. Focus on problem-solving skills. Beyond code syntax, assess the candidate’s approach to analyzing, breaking down, and solving the presented problem.
  4. Provide clear instructions and expectations. Ensure the challenge is well-defined, instructions are clear, and the candidate understands the evaluation criteria.
  5. Evaluate beyond the final solution. Consider the thought process, communication, and coding style throughout the challenge, not just the final solution’s correctness.

Ways to delegate software development: What is a software outsourcing company?

A software outsourcing company is a business that provides software development services to clients on a contract basis. This means companies can hire these external teams to work on specific projects instead of building and maintaining their own in-house development teams.

Is software engineering being outsourced? Yes, software engineering is a widely outsourced activity, as is proven by Deloitte, Gartner, and StackOverflow surveys.

reasons to outsource software engineering

How to choose a software outsourcing company? Consider these factors:

What’s the difference between software outsourcing and staff augmentation?

While software outsourcing and staff augmentation involve acquiring external resources for software development, they differ in their approach, level of control, and suitability for business needs.

Software outsourcingStaff augmentation
ApproachEntire project or functionalitiesIndividual developers or small teams
ControlLess direct controlMore direct control
ManagementExternal team manages the projectClient manages the augmented team
SuitabilityWell-defined projectsFilling skill gaps, short-term needs, specialized expertise

What else should you consider before choosing between outsourcing and staff augmentation for your software project?

hire a software engineer


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