How does IT outstaffing work in 2024?

staff augmentation

Staff augmentation, once a new player in the hiring game, is quickly becoming a popular choice for businesses seeking IT and digital expertise. It’s no wonder – outstaffing lets you tap into a global pool of highly skilled and specialized professionals, all without the high costs and administrative headaches of traditional hiring. 

Intrigued? Read on to discover how staff augmentation can revolutionize your business and take it to the next level.


hiring global tech talent

WHAT IS staff augmentation, AND HOW CAN YOU USE IT IN IT?

Staff augmentation is a strategic hiring model that allows you to complement your existing team with specialized professionals on a flexible basis. This model eliminates the risks associated with overhiring permanent employees while ensuring you have the specific skillsets required for current projects.

The dynamic nature of the IT industry makes outstaffing particularly attractive. Rapidly scaling your team becomes effortless, which allows you to adapt to changing workloads and project demands. This agility helps you stay competitive, especially as a tech startup.

The recent tech industry layoffs in 2022 and beyond at major companies like Meta, Amazon, and Google highlight the potential pitfalls of overstaffing. Market analysis suggests one of the key drivers behind these layoffs was aggressive hiring during the pandemic boom.

Here’s where staff augmentation provides a clear advantage: Your outsourced team members remain employees of the staffing provider, mitigating the risk of overstaffing and potential future layoffs for your company.

While outstaffing relieves you of the burden of recruitment, hiring, and HR management, it offers additional advantages particularly relevant to tech companies, like access to a global talent pool, cost-effectiveness, and expertise in IT talent management.


While staff augmentation companies like MWDN excel at recruiting, screening, and onboarding top tech talent for your needs, they offer a much broader range of services that go far beyond simple hiring. Here’s how a quality outstaffing partner becomes a strategic extension of your team:

These are essentially the same functions performed by an in-house HR and recruitment team. However, with staff augmentation, you can access this expertise without the overhead costs and administrative burden of building your own HR department.

Why does staff augmentation win over traditional hiring?

Traditional hiring practices, while familiar, have some limitations. These are some of the key challenges of the traditional approach and how outstaffing offers a compelling alternative.

The pitfalls of traditional hiring

Staff augmentation addresses these challenges by offering access to a vast network of skilled professionals worldwide and reducing costs.

Staff augmentation vs outsourcing: When opting for one instead of the other?

Staff augmentation and outsourcing, though often confused, serve distinct purposes. Staff augmentation integrates skilled experts into your existing team to work collaboratively on specific goals, while with outsourcing, you delegate a complete business function or project to an external vendor. Both models are valuable, but their applications differ.

outsourcing vs Staff augmentation

Legal considerations of staff augmentation

Even without the need for visas and work permits, legal considerations remain when hiring remote employees abroad through a staff augmentation company. In the case of global hiring, a staff augmentation provider acts as an employer of record (EOR), dramatically facilitating remote employee–abroad employer collaboration. 

Legal challenges of global staff augmentation

By acting as the legal employer for your remote team, a staff augmentation provider specializing in EOR services mitigates risks and simplifies the process.

Typical terms of staff augmentation agreement

Staff augmentation agreement, similar to any employment contract, outlines the rights and responsibilities of both parties. Here’s a what your typical contract will consist of:

Scope of services. This section clearly defines the services provided by the staff augmentation company. This can include recruitment, hiring, payroll, benefits administration, and other HR tasks.

Payment terms. This section details billing rates, IT vendor fees, and how often payment is due. Some outstaffing companies charge a fixed fee, while others may have an hourly rate structure.

Employee benefits. This section outlines the benefits offered to the outstaffed employee, such as healthcare insurance, paid time off, and sick leave. Typically, the staff augmentation company takes responsibility for providing and administering these benefits.

Confidentiality. Non-disclosure agreements (NDAs) are common. Separate agreements may be established between the IT vendor and the client, and the employee and the client. These NDAs ensure the confidentiality of sensitive information shared between the parties.

Intellectual Property (IP). This section clarifies ownership of any intellectual property (IP) developed by the outstaffed employee during their work for the client. Typically, the client retains ownership of any IP created during the engagement.

Termination. This section outlines the conditions under which either party can terminate the agreement. It includes notice periods and any potential penalties or fees associated with early termination.

Dispute Resolution. This section explains the process for resolving disagreements between the client and the outstaffing provider.

Before signing any agreement, carefully review it and negotiate terms to ensure clarity. Both you and your staff augmentation contractor should have a clear understanding of your roles and responsibilities.

cost of global tech talent

9 REASONS to CONSIDER staff augmentation

Staff augmentation offers a compelling solution for businesses seeking to build a high-performing tech team. What benefits will you get from cooperating with a staff augmentation provider?

  1. Expanded talent pool. Staff augmentation companies have extensive databases of skilled professionals, providing access to a wider range of talent than local recruitment efforts.
  2. Cost savings. Beyond reduced recruitment and onboarding costs, Staff augmentation can minimize direct labor costs and administrative expenses associated with hiring in-house employees.
  3. Reduced overhead. The staff augmentation vendor takes care of office space, equipment, software, and utilities for your remote team, eliminating these overhead costs for your business.
  4. Scalability and flexibility. Easily adjust your team size as project demands fluctuate. This agility ensures you have the right resources at the right time.
  5. Faster time to market. Staff augmentation allows you to fill critical tech roles quickly, accelerating your time to market and giving you a competitive edge.
  6. Access to specialized skills. Find niche expertise that may not be readily available in your local market. Staff augmentation partners can connect you with the specific skillsets your project requires.
  7. Reduced legal and regulatory risks. Staff augmentation companies handle legal and regulatory compliance for their employees, minimizing your exposure to risk and administrative burdens.
  8. Highly motivated teams. Staff augmentation providers invest in employee motivation, leading to a dedicated and productive team focused on delivering results for your business.
  9. Improved retention. Outstaffed employees often demonstrate higher loyalty to their employers, potentially leading to lower turnover rates within your project team.

reliable staffing partner


MWDN is a leading IT outstaffing provider with over 20 years of experience connecting businesses with top tech talent around the world. We specialize in identifying the perfect fit for your needs, from skilled developers in Eastern Europe to experts in Israel and beyond.

We have a deep understanding of specific industries like healthcare, fintech, logistics, and production. Our team of over 200 professionals boasts extensive experience in a wide range of software development technologies, from JavaScript to C++.

How we help you:

Ready to build your best team? Contact MWDN today! We’ll be happy to discuss your specific requirements and answer any questions you may have. Let’s schedule a call to explore how our expertise can help you achieve your business goals.

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