Easy ways to support Ukraine and its IT industry

Understanding Ukrainian IT and its role in the country

Ukraine’s large IT and software development community, estimated at 285,000 professionals and growing even now, is an important part of the current effort of the nation. So important, in fact, that helping Ukrainian IT and helping Ukraine are intertwined notions. Any contribution to the IT industry immediately has an effect on the lives of the people outside of it: volunteering, donations, etc. Here is why this phenomenon exists:

On the other hand, information technologies in Ukraine are, of course, run by people who experience the same problems and struggles as any other Ukrainian citizen. This means that the industry and the country function as communicating vessels – you help either, you help both.
With that in mind, here is how you can influence the situation.

What to do to aid the industry

Here are some general things anyone connected with Ukrainian IT can do to help. Many of these are actually quite simple:

#1 Keep collaborating as usual

Plain and simple, if you have worked with Ukrainian IT or software companies before, keep doing that! Businesses in this industry have proved incredibly resilient, with continuity plans coming to execution immediately during the first week of the war. At the initial stages, many customers expressed anxiety (which is understandable). However, it turned out that IT professionals are now even more motivated to work and yield excellent results than ever before. Some companies are even releasing new products right now.

how you can help Ukraine

#2 Tell the world

If you are in collaboration with a Ukrainian company, don’t feel shy to mention that, either on professional networks like LinkedIn or on your website – or any place you feel like it. Give the credit for what Ukrainian developers and teams have accomplished, or leave reviews for the projects you were glad with. In this way, the global community will see that the industry is alive and well in Ukraine.

#3 Consider using Ukrainian-made software where it may be needed

There are a number of well-known software products made by Ukrainian teams that you may already be using, including GitLab, Grammarly, and the likes. There are countless applications and products created by Ukrainian companies for various purposes, from CRM systems and sales team efficiency analyzers to real-time video modification and pet care.

How else you can help (useful links)

Apart from what’s listed above, there are a number of ways you can do a gesture of good will toward the Ukrainian people. Here is a list of fundraisers that MWDN picked as the most trusted ones – those we donate to ourselves:

fundraisers we trust

Parting thoughts

In the globalized world of tech, the Ukrainian IT industry remains one of the most popular avenues for finding a proper talent. With a high quality of services and a solid experience of cooperation with international companies, it looks exactly like an exhausted pool of experts. One of the key factors of the strong reputation they developed in the market is resilience.

With the beginning of the russian invasion, the stable operation of many institutions and systems within the country amid one of the bloodiest wars never ceases to amaze many Western politicians and acknowledged experts. Ukrainians proved that nothing is impossible, and they are ready to go the extra mile for their win even if it takes buying a warbird for their army in just 3 days! That’s why they say: “Be brave like Ukraine” – so do you! In this article, we have listed the most effective ways to help Ukraine. We hope they will come in handy, and you will be able to contribute to the victory of Ukraine and support its excellent professionals.

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