Digital transformation and Software Development trends in 2021

Year of 2020 was one of the hardest years for modern society which completely changed people’s lifestyles and habits, business strategies and directories. Covid-19 have put a great pressure on companies to adapt to abrupt changes for survival. Most businesses had to integrate themselves into the digital world. The demand for IT services has increased significantly. Thanks to changes that no one would have wished for and fueled by the requirements of a digital society, the technology industry will doubtless take a new shape in the coming years.

What are the latest trends in software development?

Software development trends


  1. Low-Code / No-Code Platforms. Businesses can go along their digital transformation without coding and technical resources at every step. It enables creating databases and other apps with no development training.
  2. Machine Learning Operations. MLOps include elements to detect how production data is different from the data used to train the model, real-time feedback on KPIs, support for continuous updates.
  3. User Experience Design. Helps companies to retain and recapture business in the modern digital environment.
  4. DevSecOps. Monitors activity and access to determine permission access and uses it to assign least privileges.
  5. Near-Perfect Digital Experiences. As the number of applications grows rapidly and the cloud infrastructure becomes ubiquitous, the focus is on front-end development. Developers will take on skills and responsibilities that resemble operations to improve efficiency, speed up fixes, and dramatically improve customer experience.
  6. Artificial Intelligence (AI). AI can benefit different businesses with various capabilities, such as machine learning (ML), deep learning, natural language processing, speech, vision, predictions, assistance, etc.
  7. Progressive Web Apps. Provides users with an optimized experience without having to create separate OS-specific mobile apps. They can be built using languages like JS, CSS, and HTML and can operate on any platform that uses a web browser. PWAs enable cost savings while improving customer engagement.
  8. IoT. It is the interconnection of computing devices with everyday objects using the Internet.
  9. Continuous Integration And Delivery. Continuous integration ensures code changes are integrated into a software project while continuous delivery promotes changes in configuration and features. These processes enable companies to complete projects quicker, save money and increase efficiency.
  10. E-Commerce Software Solutions. Help to improve customer experience, automate processes, and provide safe delivery and payment options.
  11. Data Science. Handles complex data and converts unstructured data sets into structured ones which usually includes customer profile information, business data, financial numbers, sales data. etc.
  12. Blockchain. Creates a unified data registry that simplifies banking operations.
  13. The Dominance of Python. Easy to learn and use languages become more popular, so Python is in increasing demand in 2021. It is the the most suitable option for AI technologies and widely used in data science, mostly in creating amazing data visualizations, complex mathematical operations, machine learning, neural network building and numerous of other fields.

Through all of these developments, and of course, software developer medical, in the coming years, we will see many innovations and ways to continue to use technology to achieve remarkable results. This will be especially true as more companies pursue digital acceleration and start thinking differently about how to use technology to achieve their financial, social and customer service goals.

What do software developers must learn in 2021?

Skills in software development

Whether you’re already an experienced developer, or just starting out, if you want to be truly successful in the industry, you need to continually hone your skills to stay relevant. Here are some of the most valuable skills developers need to master this year.

  1. Be a Good Communicator. Nowadays every developer needs to have enough communication skills to have clients understand the main ideas, issues, solutions, etc. No matter if it is emails, meetings, calls it should be clear, short and simple.
  2. Effective Usage of Version Control Systems. Version Control systems are responsible for managing changes in large websites, documents, computer products, or other collections of information. VCS are crucial for any developer who works on multiple projects.
  3. Learning New Technologies and Languages. Don’t get hung up on one stack! Learning new languages and frameworks will help to stay in the industry. If the developer have had the same stack for a long time, then there is a high probability that the skills will become obsolete over time. Always need to stay up to date with the latest technologies used by leading developers around the world.
  4. Work With Different Environments. Developers don’t have to become experts on all platforms, but they do need to know how platforms work and what are their pros and cons. Plus, knowing how different development environments work will save time when switching between them. More in Services by MWDN.
  5. Understand Design Patterns. Object-oriented design patterns are reused across different frameworks and technologies, so understanding them will be extremely beneficial to work as a software developer.
  6. Data Structure and Algorithms. Every developer should put an effort into learning the Data structure and Algorithm. This is one of the important topics of any interview when hiring a programmer, and without knowing basic data structures like array, linked list, map, set, it is impossible to write a real application.
  7. Containers. Containers help developers to test an application in a single environment and simplify the deployment process.

Of course, this list is incomplete. But it should give a good idea of what to learn next or what needs to be improved.

digital transformation

The Future of Software Development

Internet users are increasing every day and they will be able to invent new things quicker and at a low cost, which means that innovation will multiply. Also the applications will be smaller as they use things like microservices that communicate over APIs. Software will be driven by AI which gets smarter and makes all the processes faster. But, the user experience stay number one.

Programming languages: the most and least popular

Python and JavaScript tend to be the most valuable programming languages, which are easy to learn and use. Whereas, Objective C, Ruby, and Lua are not liked ones in software development. 

MWDN is following the trends and always stays technically skilled along with market trends. Feel free to contact us to know more information and we will find the best solution to meet your goals. 

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